
呵呵,看到关于《孙子兵法》无用的讨论,凑过来聊两句。《孙子兵法》在现在而言,很大程度上是战略与决策学(Strategy & Decision Science)研究的范畴,套用一句俗语,《孙子兵法》是站在战略的角度上看待问题的,而不是具体的告诉你在战场上一步一步该怎么做的手册。任何Step by Step的战争手册都会受到时间、空间以及技术的限制的,譬如具体的排兵布阵,只有在具体的自然环境以及时代下才有用,在北方抵御游牧民族骑兵的阵法拿到南方去剿灭倭寇未必管用,北宋与金对时的战争手册,到了清末与西方列强交锋的时候说不定还会帮倒忙,虽然战争手册可能非常的详细,但是使用的范围太狭窄,而《孙子兵法》则是在努力系统的总结一些更为广泛的规律。举个简单的例子,你每次都在理想状态下从你们家二楼的阳台往下仍"理想"的垃圾,自由落体,多扔几次,凭着经验可以写本手册《从我家二楼阳台在理想状态下扔"理想"垃圾的落地时间》,这本手册对于你们二楼的邻居很管用,但是在你们楼其他楼层的住户那里却一点用处都没有,这个时候牛顿运动定理就更有用处了,《孙子兵法》之于具体的战争手册就像牛顿运动定理之于《从我家二楼阳台在理想状态下扔"理想"垃圾的落地时间》,各有各的用途。

瞎扯了这么多,来点儿科学的。杜克大学的牛铭实与加州理工的 Ordeshook 94年在 Journal of Peace Research 上发表了一篇 " A Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War ",以现代博弈论的观点来评价《孙子兵法》,下面是摘引的他们Abstract:

The thesis of this essay is that he [Sun Tzu] can be credited with having anticipated the concepts of dominant, minmax, and mixed strategies, but that he failed to intuit the full implications of the notion of equilibrium strategies. Thus, while he offers a partial resolution of 'he-thinks-that-I-think' regresses, his advice remains vulnerable to a more complete strategic analysis. In judging Sun Tzu's contribution to our understanding of strategy, however, we should keep in mind that resolving circular reasoning in some circumstances requires the use of advanced principles of probability theory and mathematics, and so we should not be surprised to learn that Sun Tzu's treatment of information is incomplete. Indeed, we should marvel at the fact that he understood intuitively as much as he did.

简而言之, 从intuitive的角度来看,孙子基本上已经做到极致了,你总不至于希望他老人家在2500年前就彻底构建现代决策学的形式基础吧? 呵呵。

